Digital art gif. Pink pennant waves over a transparent background with the message “19th Amendment.”
19Th Amendment Womens Equality Day Sticker by Distribuidora GraficaSusan B Anthony Women Sticker by National Constitution CenterEmpower Women Empowerment Sticker by Women Who LiftVoting Election 2020 Sticker by INTO ACTIONWomens Rights Woman Sticker by INTO ACTION
Text gif. In capitalized yellow text over a transparent background reads the question, “What is the 19th Amendment?” The answer appears in small white font, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”19Th Amendment Womens Equality Day StickerSusan B Anthony Women Sticker by National Constitution CenterSusan B Anthony Women Sticker by National Constitution CenterText gif. Pink and yellow text dripping in spray paint against a transparent background reads, “We will rise up.”
Digital art gif. Two men balance a rainbow as one waters a plant and the other drops a ballot into a flag-decorated ballot box. The ballot box is held by a smiling woman as another woman attaches a gold sign to a red brick wall against a transparent background. The sign reads, “Our voice, our vote, our future.”
Register To Vote Election 2020 Sticker by INTO ACTIONDigital art gif. Four blue cartoon hands snake across the screen to form the number nineteen.Susan B Anthony Woman Sticker by National Constitution CenterText gif. Capitalized text over a transparent background reads, “Educate. Agitate. Organize. Educate. Agitate. Organize.” Each work is highlighted in succession, scrolling continuously.
Digital art gif. Capitalized handwritten text over a transparent background reads, “No sleep ‘til executive action. A hand holding a can of lime green spray paint appears, underlining the words “Executive action.”Womens Rights Woman Sticker by Dr. Donna Thomas Rodgers
Day Women Sticker by BondiBoostEqual Pay 19Th Amendment Sticker by GIPHY TextSusan B Anthony Women Sticker by National Constitution CenterGender Equality Women Sticker by vanish_artworkVoting Womens Rights Sticker by INTO ACTIONRight To Vote Womens Rights Sticker by INTO ACTIONText gif. In sparkling pink and blue text accompanied by a pink megaphone against a transparent background reads the message, “We won’t give up!”
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