Christmas Chihuahua Carolers
pretty hurts
jOnNy'S wOrLd
Chihuahua Chewbacca!!
Barking Chihuahua Rides On the Back of Bulldog
Chihuahua with Static Ear Hair
Back off!
Pink Ink Graphics
A Dog's World with Tony Armstrong | Love
Ay Chihuahua
Take a few deep breaths - breathe in, breathe out
Chihuahua Climbs into Beanie
'Actor' Dog Howls as Owner Tends to Fake Injury
Bad Reception
Cinco De Mayo
animation on ones, twos, threes
Bad Reception
Chihuahua Steals Wedding!
Group of Miniature Newborn Goats Majorly Frighten a Chihuahua
Chihuahua Steals Wedding!
Dogs' Best Friend: Man Greeted by Gaggle of Happy Chihuahuas
Costumed Chihuahuas 'Sing' in Imperfect Harmony
Sombrero-Wearing Chihuahua Sings His Little Heart Out
Dog Slips in Icy Yard
Everybody Knows It's A Chihuahua