
Jason Clarke

I'm Doomed

I Can't Help But Feel So Disappointed

The Roku Channel

Ay Baba!

Heart Covered In Poop

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk

GIPHY Studios 2021

Why Are You All Acting Like This Is Normal?

Whomp Whomp

Womp womp

Why Dad?

I Didn't Disappoint Anyone


Slow nod


I'm A Little Disappointed

I'm Disappointed In Myself

Waiting All Season

Davey And Jonesie's Locker

I'm Expected to Be Disappointed

I Would Be Crushed

The Roku Channel

Look Of Disappointment

This is Not Worth It!

I Feel Like It Would Be Too Disappointing

Hopefully it isn't like the Hang Over 2

You Couldn't Just Do A Nice Thing

Insecure on HBO