Cartoon gif. Blambi, the little yellow dinosaur in DinoSally, twirls on one foot and blows kisses against a pink background, sending hearts out each time. Text, "Happy Friday."Sponsored gif. Digital illustration of a can of Starbucks Chocolate Cream Iced Coffee outlined in Starbucks white and green pops into frame against a wavy purple background. Moving text appears that says, "Happy Fri-yay," as a tiny green heart floats away. Late Night Party GIF by TrueRealDigital art gif. Under falling confetti, a cute Rhino sticks out its tongue, bouncing up and down. Text, “FRIYAY.”Cartoon gif. Four colorful characters jump with their arms in the air with big smiles on their faces. Their jumping get faster and faster. Text, “Friday Feeling.”Fran Healy Friday GIF by Travis
Cartoon gif. A woman's hand holds a smartphone that sparkles, reaching her other hand to tap the screen. Text on the phone, "TGIF."Drinking Coffee Friday GIF by StarbucksDrinking Coffee Friday GIF by StarbucksTurn Up Party GIF by Holly LoganIts Friday Cat GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudiosFran Healy Friday GIF by Travis
Digital art gif. A yellow bird-like creature jumps in excitement as fireworks go off around it. Colorful flashing text reads, "Fri-Yay."Video gif. Neil Primrose of the band Travis leans on a windowsill and raises his glass to us. Text, "Happy Friday!"Celebrity gif. Neil Primrose of the band Travis smiles happily as he looks out a window. Text, "Finally Friday."TV gif. From Pretty Hard Cases, a man in a yellow tracksuit shrugs and says happily, “It’s Friday!”Digital art gif. The Facebook thumbs-up icon bounces up and down next to the text, “Friyay!”Its Friday GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios
Its Friday GIF by TravisDigital art gif. We pan over a skyline of colorful buildings to a man with his face painted yellow smiling through a circle surrounded by sun rays. Text, "Happy Friday!"Celebrity gif. Wyndham Wallace nods his head rhythmically, rocking out backstage at a Travis concert. Text, “That Friday feeling.”Fran Healy Viernes GIF by TravisFriday Weekend GIFVideo gif. A woman in a purple tutu and pink wig dances, shuffling her feet and crossing her arms. She stares at us with wide eyes and a serious expression. Text, “Happy Friday!!!”Friday Weekend GIF
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