The Stand Off

Why Are You the Way That You Are?

tables have turned

Dwight Has a Not-So-Evil Idea

Michael Explains "That's What She Said"

Where is the Clitoris?

Cheese Puff Montage

I Want An Answer Tomorrow

Michael and Dwight Enter Convention Hall


It's Sad. It's So Sad

Stanley Passes Out

Dwight Reads Jim and Pam a Bedtime Story

Toby Glares At Michael

I Am So Glad You're Here

Parks and Recreation

The Door Locks From the Outside

I Will Always Love You

Michael is Not That Nice a Guy

Am I Michael Scott

Roy Attacks Jim

Dwight and Creed Form an Alliance

It's Right There

Desus & Mero

Jim Cracks a Joke

Jim Pranks Dwight With Nickels in his Headset

That's Probably Going to Happen Actually