I Just Kinda Went At It

All-Round Champion

Did What I Was Supposed To Do

The Roku Channel

Did I Just Jerk Off To That?!

The Roku Channel

Did You Just Call Me Dumb?



Bill and Ted - I just work here

Cam Smith

Which Candy Store Did You Escape From?

It's Exactly What I Wanted

That's Kinda Her Fault

You Really Thought We Were Stupid Americans

You Don't Know What You Just Did

I Just Realized That Everybody's Crazy

Shades Off

Did I Go There?

First We Feast

The **** Did I Just Watch?

I Did Not Like It At All

Did I Just Hear Him Right?

Did You Hear a Word I Just Said?

The Roku Channel

No, What Did I Just Do?

What I Wanted To Hear

I need to do something about it.

The Democrats

I have to speak the truth.

The Democrats

You need to do something about this.

The Democrats

You need to do something about this.

The Democrats