Goodbye My Lover, Goodbye My Friend


GIPHY Studios 2022

I'm Not Crying You're Crying

GIPHY Studios 2021

I Want My Mom

I'm Like So Sad

GIPHY Studios 2021

So Sad

Nigel Ng (Uncle Roger)

I Have To Laugh To Keep From Crying

I Won't Get Too Sad

GIPHY Studios 2021

I'm Walter And I'm Fine

Parks and Recreation


We're Cool

Fast & Furious


It's Sad. It's So Sad

How Do You Feel?

Parks and Recreation

You're Gonna Make Me Cry

Parks and Recreation

Peloton, Jess King


Parks and Recreation

Yes, But The Drama

Parks and Recreation

Cry Baby

All Hell Is Going To Break Loose.


We Love You, But...


We're Good

Fast & Furious

Too Bad So Sad - Michael Rault

Burger Records