Work Working Sticker by YoungCapitalDance Run Away Sticker by Exalted StudioTimes Up Time StickerHappy Home Run Sticker by KcomicsGoing Home Cat Sticker by AlphaESSWork Run Sticker by TMONWorking Turn Off Sticker by Geo LawYum Yum Beer Sticker by KcomicsLeaving Work Like Sticker by imojiHappy Hong Kong Sticker by HungjeruncleWork Life StickerPink Work Sticker by ohsevenWork From Home Sticker by JumixBye Bye Goodbye Sticker by Only_ReillyKnight Wow Sticker by Exalted StudioOn My Way Running Sticker by Mino GamesPenguin Tiki Stickeracommz hungry 배고파 퇴근 leave work StickerFinal Day Friday Sticker by Paula BainesOff Work StickerDigital art gif. Woman with lilac-colored hair and purple cat-eye glasses winks at us against a transparent background. A speech bubble emerges above her with the text, “Getting paid to leave work and vote is sticking it to the man twice.”Leaves I Love Fall Sticker by Bath & Body WorksTired Home Time Sticker by ZMHalloween Raking Sticker by jjjjjohnDigital art gif. Animation of a cartoon scene in which an exhausted-looking mother holds a crying baby, a toddler with a bag on their head playing with a cat on the couch behind her and a dog lapping up spilled coffee from the floor amid waste from a knocked-over trash can. Text reads, "Americans need paid parental leave."
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