Digital art gif. Blue shape of Michigan smiles and marches forward with one hand on its hip and the other holding a flag against a bright yellow background. The flag reads, “Go vote Michigan!”Digital art gif. Yellow shape of Michigan a slides in over a blue and green background. The text “Michigan Votes” appears as five stars shoot upward. An envelope stamped “By Mail” slides into frame.Joe Biden Democrat GIF by #GoVoteVote Early Election 2020 GIF by Creative CourageIllustrated gif. Hands finishing a handwritten checklist on a wooden desk, a potted daisy beside. Text, "How to vote by mail absentee in Michigan, Register to vote, Request ballot online, deadline 4 PM November 7th, Carefully read instructions, Sign return envelope, Return your ballot November 4th by mail or November 8th in person."Vote Politics GIF by Gretchen WhitmerTeam Vote GIF by Gretchen Whitmer
Illustrated gif. Blue graphic of Michigan on an aqua gradient, yellow marker font within. Text, "Same-day voter registration and voting, November 8."Vote Early Election Day GIF by Creative CourageDigital art gif. Michigan identification card against a bright blue background flashes four different profiles, holding up a ballot, including a Native American man, a White woman, a Black woman, and a Latinx man. The ID card reads, “Headed to vote? Don’t forget your ID! Don’t have one? No problem. You can still vote. Go!”University Of Michigan Vote GIF by Creative CourageJoe Biden Georgia GIF by Creative CourageVoting Rights GIF by Creative Courage
Digital art gif. Round red, white, and blue button featuring the shape of Michigan spins over an orange background. Text, “I’m a Michigan voter.”Illustrated gif. Person wearing a Michigan shirt on a cobalt background, holding a ballot toward us, foreshortened to cover their face, under an arch of groovy, color-changing lettering. Text, "Same-day voter registration and voting!"Digital art gif. Blue and yellow mug full of coffee featuring a forest framed in a heart labeled “Michigan” rests over a light yellow background. Steam rising from the mug reveals the message, “Vote early.”Voting Rights GIF by Creative CourageRoe V Wade Team GIF by Gretchen WhitmerGary Peters Vote GIF by Gary Peters for Michigan
Digital art gif. Yellow sign swings on a hook over a glass window background. One side says, “Help wanted.” The sign flips and reads, “Election workers needed in Michigan.”Register To Vote Election 2020 GIF by #GoVoteVoting Rights GIF by Creative CourageVoting Election Day GIF by #GoVoteDigital art gif. Ballot labeled “Vote for Prop 3” is rested on a wooden table. A pen fills in the bubble next to “Yes” with blue ink, leaving the “No” bubble blank.Voting Rights GIF by Creative Courage
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