Digital art gif. Blue shape of Ohio smiles and marches forward with one hand on its hip and the other holding a flag against a transparent background. The flag reads, “Go vote Ohio!”Democrat Ohio Sticker by Creative CourageVote Yes Election Day StickerVoting Us Senate Sticker by Tim RyanVoting Rights Sticker by Creative CourageVote Early Sticker by Ohio Democrats
Digital art gif. Yellow shape of Ohio slides in over a transparent background. The text “Ohio Votes” appears as five stars shoot upward. An envelope stamped “By Mail” slides into frame.Election Day Sticker by Ohio UniversityVoting 2020 Election Sticker by Creative CourageDigital art gif. Persimmon red signwriting font, a fist in the place of the I. Text, "Ohio voters decide, not politicians."Vote Athens Sticker by Ohio DemocratsVote Cincinnati Sticker by Ohio DemocratsVote Early Sticker by Ohio Democrats
Voting Rights Sticker by Creative CourageDigital art gif. Round red, white, and blue button featuring the shape of Ohio spins over a transparent background. Text, “I’m an Ohio voter.”Illustrated gif. Caricature of Senator J.D. Vance bent over, butt in the air lips puckered and sweating, getting kicked in the pants, in front of a graphic of Ohio, surrounded by lip marks. Text, "Ohio needs a senator who is an ass-kicker, not an ass-kisser!"Vote Voting Sticker by Ohio SOS Comms TeamVote Cleveland Sticker by Ohio DemocratsVote Blue Sticker by Ohio DemocratsVote Early Sticker by Ohio Democrats
Vote Blue Sticker by Ohio DemocratsDigital art gif. Pink sign swings on a hook over a transparent background. One side says, “Help wanted.” The sign flips and reads, “Election workers needed in Ohio.”Digital art gif. Blue mug full of coffee featuring a cardinal labeled “Ohio” rests over a transparent background. Steam rising from the mug reveals the message, “Vote early.” 
Vote Flag Sticker by Ohio SOS Comms TeamVoting Election 2020 Sticker by Joe Biden
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