sea otter GIFOtter GIFotter GIFsleepy otter GIFrubbing sea otter GIFVideo gif. A sea otter floats around a pool as its handler kneels nearby, holding onto the otter’s little paws to help it float. The otter gradually lets go and then claps its little hands excitedly, rubbing its face a few times between claps. Text, “You otter be proud of yourself!”otter GIFotter GIFsea otter GIFsouth park otter GIFotter copying GIFDay Otter GIFotter GIFotter GIFotter swimming GIFotter GIFotter GIFotter GIFi love otter GIFotter GIFbaby animals otter GIFotter GIFotter GIFReaction GIFotter GIF
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