French Snl GIF by Saturday Night Liveoui GIFfrench yes GIFpart GIFYes Yes Ok GIF by EUX Compagnie d'ImprovisationHumour Yes GIF by France tvFrench Yes GIF by Robert E Blackmonyogurt GIF by General Mills part GIFpart botox GIFOv Yes GIFoui GIFemmanuel macron citation GIF by franceinfopart visiteurs GIFSnuls oui les snuls ouais GIFvisiteurs GIFreno visiteurs GIFVous Etes Vraiment Sympa I Say Yes GIF by Youdeopart christian GIFAu GIFFrance Wine GIF by Muppet Wikipart visiteurs GIFMovie gif. Bill Murray as Phil in Groundhog Day looking suave and flirting as he nods and says, in French, "oui."Content Lol GIF by CANAL+Water Yes GIF by Mini Smiley
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