Babies Pregnancy GIF by PBC BABY ExpoVideo gif. Baby bows its head, closes its eyes, and sways side to side, waving a hand out in front like its in rapture and praying for stroller GIF by CVSThe Simpsons gif. Homer clasps his hands together in prayer and pleads with his eyes as he begs, "Please, please, please."Video gif. Two little boys sit across from one another and one of them is closing his eyes tightly and crossing his fingers with all his might. He's hoping really, really hard for something to come true. Pram GIF by Disney+NewbieAndMe baby newbie pram pushchair GIFCar Seat Parenting GIF by edwardsandcobabyCar Seat Parenting GIF by edwardsandcobabyPram Protect GIF by Disney+Car Seat Parenting GIF by edwardsandcobabyNew Baby GIF by BilbareedTV gif. Rita Moreno as Lydia in One Day At A Time. She looks absolutely appalled and she does the sign of the cross on herself.World Rugby Dog GIF by Rugby World Cupuncadmissionsambassadors pram GIFBaby Mom GIF by Thoka Maerpramwash stroller pram pramwashsg pramwash GIFpramwash stroller pram pramwashsg pramwash GIFpramwash stroller pram pramwashsg pramwash GIFFox Children GIF by HollyoaksNewbieAndMe rocking newbie baby sleep rockit GIFposing black and white GIF by Vintage 3Duncadmissionsambassadors hello chloe pram GIFNewbieAndMe buggy strolling newbie pram GIFpramwash pram pramwashsg pramwash GIF
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