Things I Wish I Hadn't

Uh oh

Too Late

Regretting the Choice

Agony of memory

Crash has regrets

I Regret Nothing. The End

Parks and Recreation

I Regret Not Knowing How To Make An Omelette

I'm Sorry

No Regrets!

All-Round Champion

What Have I Done?

I'm Sorry For This

Don't Do Anything That You're Going To Regret

Thats Gotta Hurt

I'm Sorry


Est ce que tu regrettes tes decisons


avez vous des regrets pour des decisions prises


avez vous des regrets pour des decisions prises


I Shouldn't Have Kissed You

Insecure on HBO

What The Heck Was I Thinking

If You Have A Baby I'm So Sorry

Big Mistake

Fast & Furious

Big Ed Says Sorry

I'm Gonna Make A Couple Mistakes