I Think It's Best I Take Over
Take The Wheel
Fast & Furious
We're Here to Take Over
'Don't Think I'll Go for a Swim This Morning': Frogs Take Over Backyard Pool
Do You Feel in Charge?
Clippernator 3000
I'm the captain now
Lawnmowers Take Over Bristol, Virginia Streets in Annual Fourth of July Parade
ATV and Motorcycle Riders Take Over Philadelphia's Rocky Steps
Kinda Looks Like a Power Ranger
I Am The Law
The Roku Channel
Mother Nature
GIPHY Studios 2021
Baboons Take Over Woman's Birthday Getaway Accomodation
Watching Ben Take Over This Movie
Tumbleweeds Take Over Utah Town
Enough Space For You Dreams
The Roku Channel
Sheep Take Over Highway
Trip to the Dry Cleaners, Anyone? Snakes Take Over Laundry Room at Queensland Home
Sheep and Goats Take Over Madrid's Streets in Ancient Ritual
Heavy Snow Takes Over Streets in Nebraska Neighborhood
Ducks Take Over Flooded Plaza in Annapolis, Maryland
Hundreds of Sheep Take Over Main Street in Western Nevada Town
Locust Swarm Takes Over Sky in Yucatan, Mexico
I Waited A Long Time To Be In Charge
Us Senior Citizens