![[sips coffee]](https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExeTYwMGVwMjVveHdyaHdpaGVjNHR3bjc5dDV2MzZ5YnRhbGtlMnV5aiZlcD12MV92aWRlb3Nfc2VhcmNoJmN0PXY/Dr3MZWWJwqvqWnC3pW/giphy.gif)
[sips coffee]

Sonic The Hedgehog

You've Never Had Sausage?

It Looks Like Mashed Potatoes

Stir the Pot

GIPHY Studios 2021

It should be just right

Yum Yum Yum

Best Friends Animal Society


Rick and Morty

Dumpling Tasting

What Does This Tate Like?

Your taste

It Tastes Like An Anus

First We Feast

I'm Very Happy Right Now


First We Feast

Remember to taste!

Smelling and tasting wing

First We Feast

Hot and spicy

First We Feast

Tastes Like KFC

Mhm Mhm

First We Feast

Tastes Like Christmas


First We Feast

Tastes fine to me

Tastes like a cookie

The Flavors Are So Complex

A Little Bitterness

This Ain't No Banana!