Donald Trump Sticker by Creative CouragePresident Biden Sticker by Creative CourageTax Cuts Politics Sticker by American Bridge 21st CenturyPresident Biden Sticker by Building Back TogetherRecover Joe Biden Sticker by Creative CourageTax The Rich Be Kind Sticker by Creative CourageAir Conditioning Energy Sticker by INTO ACTION
Kamala Harris Sticker by Creative CourageJoe Biden Sticker by Creative CourageKamala Harris Vp Sticker by Creative CouragePresident Biden Sticker by Building Back TogetherImagine The Simpsons Sticker by Creative CourageTax The Rich Sticker by Creative Courage
Donald Trump Sticker by INTO ACTIONPresident Biden Sticker by Building Back TogetherTax The Rich Sticker by Creative CourageTax The Rich Donald Trump Sticker by Creative CourageTaxes Tax Cut Sticker by CARS (Charitable Adult Rides & Services)Text gif. Two lists, the one on the left reads, "Democratic wins, Created millions of good paying jobs, Strengthened domestic manufacturing, Made historic climate investments, Lowered healthcare and prescription drug prices, Lowered energy costs," each article punctuated with a blue star. The one on the right reads, "The Maga agenda, Cut social security and Medicare, Cut taxes for wealthy tax cheats, Criminalize abortion and contraceptives, Allow big pharma to increase drug prices, Weaken gun safety laws," each article punctuated with a red X.
President Biden Children Sticker by Creative CouragePresident Biden Call Sticker by Creative CouragePresident Biden Sticker by Creative CourageFamily Help Sticker by Creative CourageTax The Rich Sticker by Creative CourageText gif. Two lists with positioned with pushpins, on the left, all in blue, reads "What democrats did with power, Rebuilt roads and bridges, Cut drug costs, Expanded clean energy, Tightened gun laws, Helped veterans, Ended corporate tax avoidance," each article punctuated with a thumbs up. On the right, all in red, reads "What the GOP wants to do with power, Cut social security/Medicare, Stop paying America's bills, 30% national sales tax," each article punctuated with a thumbs down.
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