That Is Stupid

That's Some Bull Crap

Momma Don't Allow No Stupid Talk Around Here


Holly Logan


Holly Logan

Is this real life?

Holly Logan

This can't be life right now

Holly Logan

Married People Killing Each Other

IDK What To Say

Chicken by the Sea

That's So Sinister

Add Fuel To The Fire

Apartment 4G | Season 19 Ep. 17 | FAMILY GUY

Hedge | Season 34 Ep 6 | THE SIMPSONS

That's All We Ask

Sony Pictures Television

How Could That Have Happened?

Sony Pictures Television

That's Pretty Funny

Fast & Furious

Stupid Tweenwave Garbage

That's The Stupidest Idea I've Ever Heard

That's Crazy

That's Stupid

It's A Stupid Tip

Is Anyone That Stupid?

Sony Pictures Television

I Find That Stupid


Davey And Jonesie's Locker