Like Mother Like Daughter

Congratulations! You Are Alive

Richie Brown

A Little Mental Connection

Great Minds Think Alike

GIPHY Studios 2021


Whatever that Means

EIDL Experts & Biz Glitch 366

All Equally Stressed Out

The Roku Channel

Fresh Prince - Pilot

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

She's Alive

Please don't die

Nigel Ng (Uncle Roger)

You Like Being Alive

Rick and Morty

Please Keep Your Dreams Alive

The Academy Awards

I'm Good I'm Healthy I'm Alive

She'd still be alive

Amazon Prime Video

It Was A Mannequin And He Kissed It To Life


He Saved Your Life

Fast & Furious

Scribble Shroom

I'm Alive!

Out of Office

He Kissed The Mannequin And She Walked Out

So Much for That

This Is SportsCenter

Nothing alike

The Roku Channel

No Two Snowflakes Are Alike

I Deserve A Cold Beer

Nothing similar