Sorry I can't stay
I felt that
A Gift For You
Thanks Pop
Thank You
So I want to thank you for that.
The Democrats
I am so thankful for your service.
The Democrats
I Want To Thank You
The Roku Channel
I Appreciate It
I Look Like Vacation Mom
I Say Thank You
The Roku Channel
I not sure I am not a fan
I Admire You So Much
The Roku Channel
I Want To Say Thank You For Seeing Us
The Game Awards
The Roku Channel
Have A Hug
I came for a basic reason from the bottom...
The Democrats
I Don't Have a Problem Looking Good
Thank You So Much I Really Wanted To Leave
I Guess
Thank You? I Guess?
I really mean it, you're something else.
The Democrats
I respect that
First We Feast
Thank You I Know
The Roku Channel
I Believe You Mean Thank You