I'm About To Make Myself Look So Bad

Are you kidding me


Take That Back | Season 1 Ep. 10 | HOUSEBROKEN

My apologies

Holly Logan

I apologize

Holly Logan


RM apologizes again for not taking questions.

The Democrats

Looks Really Bad

Gotta Take The Good With The Bad

Let's take the whole store

I Will Make It 10x Worse

Always take them to Puerto Rico

I Felt Bad About Myself

Dans mon cas


This Is Bad

Doing Bad

I'm Super Bad At Quizzes

A Good Deal

I Could Smell Him

A Great Deal

That Doesn't Look Good

RM says sorry for not taking questions.

The Democrats

Bad as I've ever seen

The Roku Channel

I'm Really Bad At Doing My Research

RM apologizes again for not taking questions.

The Democrats