Happy Birthday!

The Democrats


The Democrats

I think we should celebrate.

The Democrats

Happy, happy birthday!

The Democrats


The Democrats

Woah, woah, woah. Hang on, guys.

The Democrats

Welcoming Committee

Jim Forms the Validity Committee

Well, I miss you, too!

The Democrats

Happy birthday, baby!

The Democrats

Sure. No. You kidding me?

The Democrats

Mr. Wise Guy over here.

The Democrats


The Democrats

Belated happy birthday!

The Democrats

Suck A Turd

Because how could I not?

The Democrats

First Jewish spouse celebrating Hanukkah.

The Democrats

Election Day is right around the corner.

The Democrats

I'm just so honored and humbled.

The Democrats

It's simple.

The Democrats

I'm saying it's not over.

The Democrats

I Didn't Get It either

It Was A Complete Transformation

I Ask You To Vote Against This Legislation

My Child Was Miserable