Happy Birthday!

The Democrats


The Democrats

Woah, woah, woah. Hang on, guys.

The Democrats

Day After The Election

Because how could I not?

The Democrats

I'll get to that in a minute.

The Democrats

Mr. Wise Guy over here.

The Democrats

Such A Democratic Thing To Say

A Country Based On Freedom

Just take care of yourself.

The Democrats

What are Republicans for?

The Democrats

Familiar experience.

The Democrats

What in the hell is he talking about?

The Democrats

"This is the biggest win."

It's simple.

The Democrats

Wait, wait, wait a minute!

The Democrats

Just Be Happy

Because of your work, Democrats took back Senate

The Democrats

Let me show you how.

The Democrats

You're doing a helluva job!

The Democrats

Fundamental gamechanger for families.

The Democrats

Thanks for inviting me!

The Democrats

And I'm not being critical of any of you.

The Democrats

Fiscally responsibile.

The Democrats

"It's been sad in so many ways."