The Puppet Band

Pee-wee Herman

The Funky Puppets - Friday

The Funky Puppets - Basic

The Funky Puppets - Pizza

The Funky Puppets - Love That

The Funky Puppets - Hell Yeah

The Funky Puppets - So What

The Funky Puppets - My Guy

The Funky Puppets - I Cant

The Funky Puppets - Big Deal

The Funky Puppets - That's Tight

The Funky Puppets - Hell No

The Funky Puppets - Let's Go

The Funky Puppets - OK

The Funky Puppets - Big Yikes

The Funky Puppets - Aww Yeah

The Funky Puppets - Thank God

The Funky Puppets - Ghosted