
Explore recession Stickers and Transparent GIFs

Small Business Poc Sticker by LA vs. HateDigital art gif. Blue table with one column labeled "Democrats" and the other labeled "Republicans," checkmarks and Xs indicating each article. Text, "When a recession hits, which party will be there for your family? Lowered prescription drug prices," Dems yes GOP no, "Expanded healthcare," Dems yes GOP no, "Making wealthy corporations pay their fair share," Dems yes GOP no, "Providing student debt relief," Dems yes GOP no, " Bringing down energy costs," Dems yes GOP no, "Trying to pass a national abortion ban," Dems no GOP yep.Halloween Help Sticker by Ishmael Arias PintoEconomic Depression Crying StickerHealth Care Money Sticker by Building Back TogetherEconomy Crying StickerDigital art gif. Orange “chance” card featuring a man, woman, and a child shakes over a transparent background that reads, “The Inflation Reduction Act. Ensures big corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share without raising taxes for everyday people.”Digital art gif. Red circle shakes back against a transparent background. Text, “Calling world leaders. Unlock funds to address financial inequality. Global Citizen.”Digital art gif. Orange prescription bottle with a white cap shakes against a transparent background. Text on the label reads, “Rx: The Inflation Reduction Act. Includes: Caps the cost of prescription drugs and allows Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices.”Hungry Cost Of Living Sticker by Creative CourageStudent Loans School Sticker by INTO ACTIONDigital art gif. Red elephant wearing a red MAGA hat against a transparent background features three trunks grasping a blue gas station nozzle, a green bag of money, and an orange bottle of pills. Text, “Gouging Our Prices,” with the letters “GOP” highlighted in red.Cost Of Living Education Sticker by Creative Courage
Small Business Poc Sticker by LA vs. HateTax The Rich Sticker by INTO ACTIONIllustrated gif. The Capitol Building below big hands with sleeve cuffs that reads "big oil," fists so full of money some of it rains down. Text, "The GOP Energy Plan."Cost Of Living Snap Sticker by INTO ACTIONGoing Down Arrow StickerDonald Trump Sticker by INTO ACTIONText gif. Two lists, the one on the left reads, "Democratic wins, Created millions of good paying jobs, Strengthened domestic manufacturing, Made historic climate investments, Lowered healthcare and prescription drug prices, Lowered energy costs," each article punctuated with a blue star. The one on the right reads, "The Maga agenda, Cut social security and Medicare, Cut taxes for wealthy tax cheats, Criminalize abortion and contraceptives, Allow big pharma to increase drug prices, Weaken gun safety laws," each article punctuated with a red X.Cost Of Living Snap Sticker by INTO ACTIONDigital art gif. Blue and red elephant with three white stars picks up a person by the ankle and shakes them, spilling their money from their pockets against a transparent background. Text, “Gouging our Prices,” with the letters “GOP” highlighted in red.Waving Stock Market Sticker by INTO ACT!ONDigital art gif. Red pair of lips open up against a transparent background revealing the message, “Speak out against financial inequity.”
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