I Don't Care If He Murdered His Entire Family
Ryan Explains WUPHF
Office Betting
I Messaged You Yesterday
Ryan's New Office
You Seem Distracted
Ryan Wins Hottest in the Office Award
The Stand Off
Is There Internet?
Ryan Would Rather Have $60,000
Ryan Apologizes to Jim
Michael is the Smartest Guy in the Office
Time to Make the Donuts
Milk and Sugar
No Kids
A Stranger Gets In the Van
Can You Explain That?
Wny Don't You Take a Crack At It?
Kelly Pretends She is Pregnant
Michael Tries To Intimidate Dwight
Michae Gives Ryan a Ride
Kelly and Ryan Have a Date
Ryan Catches a Cheese Puff
Welcome to the Michael Scott Paper Company
Cheese Puff Montage