Stacey Chant

Governors Matter

Entitled To More

Upset and Mad

Solvable Problem


Boo hoo.

The Democrats

It Was A Bit Jarring

Desus & Mero

Nah, Sorry Pal

Desus & Mero

Voting is Power - Stacey Abrams and John Legend

It's Like Having An Obnoxious Wart Removed

Desus & Mero

Your Vote Will Count - John Legend + Stacey Abrams

We Had Evidence

Desus & Mero

That Is Not At All Commensurate With What I Did

Desus & Mero

Oh God, Yes...

Desus & Mero

Vote Early!

Fair Fight

You're Stupid

Desus & Mero

Trick Question

Desus & Mero

It isn't enough.

The Democrats


The Democrats


The Democrats

Now let me be clear about this.

The Democrats

Hi, team!

The Democrats

"I'm just happy."

The Democrats

Your vote matters!

Fair Fight