Unwritten Law

International Paralympic Committee

Yusra Mardini

She's Gotta Be Stoked!

International Paralympic Committee

Aurélie Rivard!

International Paralympic Committee

Loosen Up!

Black People Will Swim

The journey begins

Exhausted But Happy

International Paralympic Committee

Keep on Kicking!

Black People Will Swim

It's A Tie!

International Paralympic Committee

Olives dive

World Record Shattered!

International Paralympic Committee

Pool Shock

The Roku Channel

Above water

Under water

She's Holding The Pike Position Quite Well

All-Round Champion

The Man Dives

Sarsaparilla Jenkins

Back in the Womb | BOB'S BURGERS

Bob's Burgers

A New World Record!

International Paralympic Committee

Owe It To Swimming

International Paralympic Committee

Me when the pool opens up

Woman Slides Straight Across Pool on Raft

Women surfers never got the spotlight

Lay Down the Gaunlet!

International Paralympic Committee

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International Paralympic Committee

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International Paralympic Committee