I'm Gonna Take A Wish

Longer Wipes | FAMILY GUY

Spit Take

Taking a nap

Crap On My Desk?

Sushi is NOT Good

German Cereal | FAMILY GUY

The Book Was Better

It's a Doozy!

Groundhog Day

Lebron James is the GOAT

The Movie Was Better

Spit Shine That Belt

Take My Hand

Eternal Family

British Cuisine is Good?

Feeling Ready

I can feel it down in my plums

Ain't Nothing Wrong With Taking An Ass Whooping

The Roku Channel

Disc Golfing Dad Takes Out TV

Frozen 2 - The Next Right Thing

Put It In

Take a Bow!

Taking Forever!

Time and hard work

Billboard Music Awards

I Don't Have To Take That Crap

Naughty | Season 33 Ep. 4 | THE SIMPSONS