Whining and throwing a tantrum

My Life is So Hard

Toddler Throws TantrumToddler Throws Tantrum

Stupid Fish | Season 33 Ep. 12 | THE SIMPSONS


SpongeBob SquarePants

Angrily Throwing A Chair

Parks and Recreation

Pandas Chlling

Son of A....

Basketball Madness

Throwing A Tantrum

The Name Karen Is Going Extinct & Gary Is Upset!

japan no Clip

Change Your Face

Just Look Straight Ahead

Tina Temper Tantrum | BOB'S BURGERS

Bob's Burgers

Come On Now

I Hate Regular Milk

Toddler Throws Tantrum


Fast & Furious

I don't wanna seem like a spoiled brat

Toddler Throws Tantrum

Toddler Throws Tantrum

Toddler Throws Tantrum

Tell Santa

GIPHY Studios 2021


Incoherent Quacking

First We Feast