So You're Telling Me There's A Chance


I'm a Clown

Christina Xing

The Most Annoying Sound In The World

.....you serious?

Clown Town

Christina Xing

You're An Idiot!

He's Gotta Be An Idiot


You Are Really Stupid

Darryl Dances with Creed

People Are So Dumb!

The Roku Channel

What's In It For Us?

Sony Pictures Television

How Could That Have Happened?

Sony Pictures Television

Is The Fun Over?

Sony Pictures Television

Thats Dumb

That's Really Dumb!

Dumb Taste

First We Feast

Stupid Rights

God, Misty You're So Stupid

Men Are So Dumb

Do I Look Dumb?

I Don't Know What You're Talking About

Eternal Family

God How The Years Go By

Sony Pictures Television

Agh No!

Sony Pictures Television