Something Funnier Than 24

SpongeBob SquarePants

That's What She Said

That was a joke.

The Democrats

Don't Fart On Her You Might Kill Her


The Democrats

Homelander laughing "Alright!!"


Stop Lying

.....you serious?

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Mr. Wise Guy over here.

The Democrats

Bag o' Bones Bahaha

GIPHY Studios 2021

How Does a Turkey Drink Wine?

Ba Dum Tss

GIPHY Studios 2021

What Happened When the Turkey Got Into a Fight?

Ah ha!

Holly Logan

I'm Your Mom

My First Joke Ever, I Don't Care For It

Parks and Recreation

That's So Funny...

NINJA "Tee Hee"

Just Kidding Teeth

GIPHY Studios 2021

Funny, not funny.

Holly Logan

That's So Sinister

Can't Take A Joke?

Fast & Furious

It's Dead Serious