The Plight of the Shark
Fourth of July Shark
That Was An Ambush Attack
The Shark That Mike's Been Waiting For
Let's Get Wet!
We Reward The Desired Behavior
Trail Of Blood
Kids' Choice Awards
I Think Tobey Is A Serial Killer
Tyson Goes Twelve Rounds
Seeing Sharks Return Is Really Rewarding
This Is The Only Job Interview That Can Bite!
Go Time
Apprentice 'Shark Whisperer' Shows Hypnotic Skills
Apprentice 'Shark Whisperer' Shows Hypnotic Skills
A Fitting Backdrop
Diver Amazed at Speed of Great White Shark
Keep The Shark At Bay
Excited 'Giant Spider' Easter Egg Hunt
Talking Sharks on Zoom
Diver Swims Among Tiger Sharks
Thresher Shark Shoots Into the Air in Nova Scotia
Great White Shark Passes by Boat Off South Africa