Kitten Tears

GIPHY Studios 2021


Patricia Battles

USPS - Secrecy of Letters

Supreme Divinity?

GIPHY Studios 2021

Pro-Abortion Rights Demonstrators Gather Outside Brett Kavanaugh's Maryland Home

the best


National nuclear forces

Supreme Court vs. the Voting Rights Act

When We All Vote

We Are Supreme

"The Supreme Court sets its own schedule."

Supremely Failed

Leroy Patterson

"Legal cases involving former Pres. Trump..."

"SCOTUS doesn't seem to buy Trump's argument."

What Trump wants in Trump v. United States

Crowds Gather Outside US Supreme Court After Leaked Roe v Wade Draft Opinion

I Will Go back for the Crunch Wrap Supreme

"What's prosecutable and what is not."

Expand The Court

Ben Stillman

"What's next?"

"Do they want to squander their...standing?"
!["[SCOTUS was] addressing the precedent."](https://media3.giphy.com/media/LjCsjeAmE0OJEdguRh/200.gif?cid=790b7611iy6byv8iidzn7npukpov5z7gj7h1w6n3p0cq15kg&ep=v1_videos_search&rid=200.gif&ct=v)
"[SCOTUS was] addressing the precedent."

Abortion Rights Protesters Gather in New York After Supreme Court Draft Leak

Demonstrators Gather Outside US Supreme Court Following Abortion Draft Leak

New Yorkers Take to the Streets in Protest of Supreme Court Abortion Draft

Police and Abortion-Rights Protesters Clash in Los Angeles