Ducks Say Goodbye

GIPHY Studios 2021

I Haven't Heard Any Of This

Parks and Recreation


GIPHY Studios 2021

Oh God...

Parks and Recreation

Dwight's Dentist's Name is Crentist


I Wish I Could Have Your Body

Parks and Recreation


Parks and Recreation

Little Ducklings Take a Leap of Faith to Follow Mama

It's A Duck

Quack like a duck, it's a duck

I Didn't Think This Through

Parks and Recreation

I Got The Babysitter Pregnant

Parks and Recreation

Sex Drugs and Rock n Roll

Parks and Recreation

Pretty Woman - Big Mistake

Free Breakfast Buffet

Parks and Recreation


I'm Willing To Sacrifice What I've Worked For To Put A Smile On Your Face

Parks and Recreation

What A Surprise Running Into You

Parks and Recreation

Go Ducks Go

I Ducking Love You

GIPHY Studios 2021

Cowboy Ducky

This Is The Saddest I've Ever Been

Parks and Recreation

It Was Just Farts

Parks and Recreation

Ducks Are Flying